「都市のOR」ワークショップ 2006
Invited Talk
Commuting equilibria on a mass transit system with capacity constraints
Hai-Jun Huang (Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
In this talk, we investigate the morning peak-period commuting problem in a mono-centric
city on a transit system with capacity constraints. Commuters are assumed to choose their
optimal time-of-use decision from various stations/home-locations to a single destination
(workplace) by trading off the travel time and in-vehicle crowding cost against the
schedule delay cost. Two types of capacities, namely physical capacity (the maximum number
of passengers that a transit vehicle can safely load) and seat capacity (the number of
seats designed in a transit vehicle), are taken into account. Mathematical programming
models are proposed to characterize the equilibrium properties of commuting, in which no
commuter can reduce his/her total commuting cost by unilaterally changing his/her
departure time or transit service. We compare the commuterscommuters are not affected somewhat by this capacity change. However, the increase of seat
capacity can benefit both the downstream and the upstream commuters. Two numerical
examples are provided to illustrate and validate the interesting analytical results.
主催:南山大学 数理情報学部
〒489-0863 愛知県 瀬戸市せいれい町 27
共催: 南山大学 経営研究センター
〒466-8673 名古屋市 昭和区