
December 8-9, 2018 Nanzan University, Nagoya

「都市のOR」ワークショップ 2018

南山大学名古屋キャンパス R棟 R49


・2019年7月19-21日にIWUOR 2019が開催されます。こちらも合わせて,ご確認ください.
・ワークショップは無事に終了しました. 多くの方のご参加ありがとうございました.クリックすると大きな画像が見られます.


Invited Speakers

  • Prof. Michael Kuby, School of Geographical Sciences & Urban Planning, Arizona State University

    Title: Trip-Based Hydrogen Station Location for Central Connecticut: Combining Regional and Micro Scale Modeling

    Abstract: The Flow Refueling Location Model (FRLM) is a path-based approach to planning a system of alternative-fuel stations. Drivers stop along their shortest routes to refuel and must be able to complete round trips without running out of fuel. Locations where multiple freeways intersect can potentially capture huge flow volumes, but access between highway intersections and the surrounding street and ramp network can be problematic. This paper integrates the FRLM, the DFRLM (with Deviations), and a GIS-based Freeway Traffic Capture Method (FTCM) to handle this multi-scale location planning problem. The model is applied to the Hartford, Connecticut region between New York and Boston, which will be one of the next areas for expansion after California.

  • Prof. Sergio Garcia Quiles, School of mathematics, The University of Edinburgh

    Title: Facility location with customer’s preferences

    Abstract: In a facility location problem we usually have some constraints that define the conditions of our problem and we have an objective function to optimize (like maximizing profit or minimizing cost). The locators usually assume that the customers will follow their optimality criterion, for example, they will go to the closest open facility. However, quite often the customers have a different idea in mind and, particularly, the ranking of which facilities are closer does not coincide with their rankings of preferences. Therefore, it is important to take this into account and incorporate these preferences into the models. In the case of the classical Simple Plant Location Problem, we obtain the so-called Simple Plant Location Problem with Order, which I will discuss in my talk.

  • Prof. Janny M.Y. LEUNG, Systems Engineering and Engineering Management Dept, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen)

    Title: Real-time Re-scheduling for Public Transit

    Abstract: We study a vehicle and crew (re-)scheduling problem for a public transit system which is subject to highly stochastic travel times and disruptions. Our research is motivated by the operations of the tramways system in Hong Kong which faces severe challenges because it does not run on dedicated tracks but must share the road with vehicular traffic in heavily congested areas.
    We develop a decision-support system that optimises service frequencies, meal-break delays and overtime costs, and taking stochastic time-dependent travel-time uncertainties into account.
    Future research will investigate how real-time demand information (from multi-media sources) might be available and how the system can operate to be more demand-responsive dynamically.


このワークショップは,都市や地域の現象に関する諸問題を,ORの手法を通して解決を図るUOR(Urban Operations Research)をテーマとしたワークショップです.これらの問題に取り組んでいる研究者や学生に対し,発表の機会や議論の場を提供するもので,UORでは年3回(春の中央大学,夏の筑波大学,冬の南山大学)このような場を設けております.発展途上の研究でも結構ですので,皆様の発表・参加をお待ちしております.


お問い合わせは, uor-admin _at_ nanzan-u.ac.jp までお願いいたします.